KU School of Medicine volunteers for Community Service Day in Wyandotte County

Jim Barnett, a first-year medical student, trimmed the shrubs at Hillcrest Transitional Housing. (Photo courtesy of KU Medical Center)

Armed with paint brushes, weed whackers, brooms and loads of enthusiasm, 179 students from the University of Kansas School of Medicine clad in blue “We Are KU” T-shirts fanned out to 14 locations across Wyandotte County Wednesday to volunteer their time as part of Community Service Day.

Community Service Day is traditionally part of the orientation process for incoming medical students at KU Medical Center, and it helps introduce them to the community where they will be living for the next four years. Students spent half a day at locations ranging from the Duchesne Clinic to Cross-Lines Community Outreach providing support in any way they could.

“This is really, really important for the students to get a feeling for what the community is all about, and to set the stage for their next four years and beyond,” said Marybeth Gentry, founder and executive director of Young Women on the Move. “It helps give them a better perspective of some of the situations they’ll be seeing in the clinics. I believe this is a win-win for us, and our young ladies, and the School of Medicine.”

This is the first of two Community Service Days that KU Medical Center students are part of each year. On Aug. 17, students from the Schools of Nursing and Health Professions will volunteer their time working with service organizations in Wyandotte County.

– Photo and story from Greg Peters, communications coordinator, University of Kansas Medical Center

One thought on “KU School of Medicine volunteers for Community Service Day in Wyandotte County”

  1. Congrats, Jim, on your altruistic spirit, not only in doing community service, but also in your career choice! As your proud God-father, I’m convinced we’ll see many more news stories about your admirable accomplishments in the future.

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