Temperature could hit 100 degrees for Christmas in July event Saturday

With a high near 100 degrees and an excessive heat warning predicted on Saturday, it may feel strange to be celebrating Christmas.

Lou Braswell said that despite the weather forecast, she is looking forward to the annual Christmas in July event scheduled Saturday, July 22, at Wyandotte County Lake, 91st and Leavenworth Road. She is scheduled to be a judge of the annual boat parade that is part of the event sponsored by the Unified Government Parks and Recreation Department and several others. The event is open to the public.

“It’s going to be hot, but there’s lots of activities,” Braswell said. A kids’ fishing derby is planned at 5 p.m.

Pontoon boats decorated with lights and a Christmas theme will participate in a pontoon parade at 8:30 p.m. and then be judged on originality and the theme, she said. Prizes will be awarded.

There will be food vendors at the event. Fireworks are planned after the parade at the beach shelter house.

“It’s a fantastic event, I think it’s one of the best around,” Braswell said. “It’s going to be hot.”

She said one notable pontoon boat in the parade in a past year had a machine producing snow.

“It was fake snow, but it was the idea,” she said.