Building repairs, electric substation, seat belt fines on UG Committee agenda tonight

The Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee, meeting at 5 p.m. Monday, June 26, at City Hall, fifth floor conference room, will discuss items including building repairs, an electric substation and seat belt fines.

The UG Administration and Human Services Committee meeting will follow the Public Works Committee meeting in the same location.

The Public Works and Safety Committee will consider a survey and description of land necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation, use and repair of the UG Juvenile Center complex and parking area.

Also on the agenda is a resolution authorizing a survey and description of land necessary to construct, maintain, operate, use and repair the Board of Public Utilities’ Rosedale Electric Substation.

An amendment to a UG ordinance would set a new amount for the fine for violating the seat belt ordinance.

Also on the committee agenda is a resolution allowing the UG to enter into a wholesale wastewater treatment service contract with the city of Edwardsville.

In addition, there are proposed revisions to the county emergency operations plan on the agenda.

An update on the UG’s mowing initiative also is planned.

On the Administration and Human Services Committee agenda are an agreement between the UG and the city of Mission, Kansas, for zoning and building codes at 3140 S. 28th St. The property is in both cities.

Also on the UG Administration agenda are the Community Development revised 2017 and proposed 2018 budgets, annual action plan and amendments.