Five KCK students to participate in symposium of undergraduate researchers

Five Kansas City, Kansas, students at Kansas State University plan to participate in a symposium featuring undergraduate researchers on April 9.

The undergraduate research program provides opportunities for highly motivated students from diverse backgrounds to participate in research projects with a faculty member. The 17th annual Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 9, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom.

Admission is free and the public is welcome. The program will include presentations by three students who presented their research at the recent Undergraduate Research Day at the state Capitol in Topeka and from the 2017 recipient of the University Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Student in Research.

The students from Kansas City, Kansas, include:
• Marcellus Brown, sophomore in secondary education, “Engineering Retention Rates,” with Shelli Starrett, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering;
• Carolina Bueno, sophomore in biology, “Effects of Gap Junction Enhancers in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,” with Annelise Nguyen, associate professor of diagnostics medicine and pathobiology;
• Marco Loma, senior in mechanical engineering, “Rapid Cell Freezing,” with Amy Betz, assistant professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering;
• Ingrid Silva, freshman in feed science and management, “Evaluation of Dehulled Faba Beans (Vicia faba L.) as a dietary ingredient in dog diets,” with Greg Aldrich, research associate professor of grain science and industry; and
• Chelsea Turner, sophomore in American ethnic studies, “Use of Lexical Access Strategies in Typically Fluent Adults,” with Kristin Pelczarski, assistant professor of communication sciences and disorders.