Adventures in Learning to be held Friday, June 20, at Grace Lutheran

Adventures in Learning, a free program of the Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan., will take place beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday, June 20, at Grace Lutheran, 3333 Wood Ave.

The building offers entry-level parking and easy drop off of both people and equipment. Everyone is welcome to attend part or all of the day’s activities, a spokesman said.

The schedule for Friday, June 20:

9-9:35 a.m.
Health Screenings
Blood sugar and blood pressure checks provided by Delores Homes, LLC (no cost)

9 – 10 a.m.
Registration and Fellowship
Refreshments available while you meet and greet.

9:40 to 10 a.m.
Chair exercises with Frances / Delores Homes, LLC

10-11 a.m.
Issues Forum: State Rep. Tom Burroughs
Legislative Update 2014
Travelogue: Brazil — presented by Ed Shutt

11 a.m.-noon
History : Civil War Trivia—presented by Ed Shutt

Words of Inspiration; the Rev. Ken Nettling—”Things you need to know in the Bible, but were afraid to ask”

Noon – Lunch
$4 or bring your own (call to make your reservation)
Menu: Sloppy Joe, Augratin potatoes, vegetable mix, peaches, strawberries, milk, coffee, water

12:30 p.m. – Program
Presiding: Nancy Kurtz
Invocation: Diane Maddox
Program: Kate Fields, Humane Society of Greater Kansas City

Make a reservation for lunch by calling the Shepherd’s Center office – 913-281-8908.

– Information from Shepherd’s Center