Three workers injured when chlorine pump explodes at Legend Oak apartments

Three maintenance workers at the Legend Oak Apartment complex, 7640 Garfield Court, were injured when a chlorine pump exploded early today.

The three were trying to turn on the swimming pool chlorine pump, which was in a common storage area under the main office by the pool, according to a Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department spokesman.

The three workers were taken to a hospital for treatment and evaluation. One inhaled vapors from the chlorine; one had chlorine in his eyes; and the third was struck on the legs by shrapnel from the exploding pump.

Emergency workers from the Fire Department and HazMat personnel contacted the Unified Government Health and Environment Department, as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, about the incident.

Fire crews arrived at the site about 1:31 a.m., about 3 minutes after the call. The estimated property loss was $5,000.