Planning items, law enforcement study on UG agenda March 2

The March 2 Unified Government Commission agendas include planning and zoning items, as well as discussion of a law enforcement study.

The law enforcement study will be presented at the 5 p.m. UG Commission meeting March 2 in the fifth floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan., according to the special session agenda.

At the 7 p.m. UG Commission meeting March 2 in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, there are several planning and zoning items on the agenda.

Items scheduled on the planning and zoning consent agenda March 2 include:

• A change of zone application from limited business district to general business district for a used car lot at 667 S. 55th St., recommended for denial.
• A special use permit for a used car lot at 667 S. 55th St., recommended for denial.
• A master plan amendment application from low density residential to community commercial at 667 S. 55th St., recommended for denial.
• A special use permit to operate and develop a community solar farm at 4240 N. 55th St., Don ray with the Board of Public Utilities.
• A special use permit for a parking lot for Joe’s Kansas City BBQ at 4620 Mission Road, Jeff Stehney with Joe’s Kansas City BBQ.
• An ordinance rezoning property at 100 N. 10th St. from single-family district to planned commercial district.

The presentation of the county administrator’s report also is on the agenda.

The meetings are open to the public.