Juneteenth celebration planned tonight, Saturday

The ninth annual Juneteenth parade and celebration is planned this weekend.

Big Eleven Lake at 11th and State is the site of most activities. All activities are free, organizers said; there will be food and drink available for sale.

This year’s Juneteenth theme is “Diversity is the key… It begins with me.” As many as 2,500 people are expected to attend, organizers said. The festival will be held rain or shine.

Juneteenth celebrates African American freedom while encouraging self-development and respect for all cultures, along with knowledge and appreciation for African American history and culture.

Events start at 6 p.m. Friday with a prayer vigil, followed by performances by four bands, said Sandra Harris, one of the event’s organizers. The bands to perform are “God’s Power,” “Unidos,” “Slow and Soul,” and “Mo Betta.”

This year the event has added a cancer run, along with its cancer walk, she said. The cancer run-walk is scheduled at 9:55 a.m. Saturday. Community members are invited to walk or run to honor loved ones who have fought any type of cancer. This is a support activity; there is no fee to participate. Those who want to participate may let festival officials know before the event.

The Juneteenth parade will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday. The route is from 7th and Quindaro to 18th Street south to Washington Boulevard, and east to Big Eleven Lake at 11th and Waterway Drive.

Harris said the Marching Cobras are one of the groups that will participate in the parade. Several dignitaries, including Democratic governor candidate Paul Davis, and candidates from Wyandotte County, are planning to participate in the parade.

The celebration at Big Eleven Lake, 11th and State Avenue, begins at noon Saturday. At the celebration, there is no admission fee. The celebration includes entertainment, informational and vendor booths. Food and drink will be available for sale.

Praise dancers and singing groups are expected to participate in the celebration.

The fourth annual Juneteenth car show will be held there from 10 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Trophies will be awarded. There is an entry fee for the car show, and all sorts of vehicles including cars, trucks and motorcycles, may participate.

A barbecue or greens competition will be held in conjunction with the celebration. There is an entry fee for the barbecue and greens contest. Those participating must check in by 8 a.m. and judging is at 1 p.m. Saturday.

For more information about Juneteenth, telephone 913-963-1118.