Bonner Springs’ fourth-quarter scoring beats Cyclones, 47-39

Photos copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel

The Bishop Ward and Bonner Springs High School girls’ basketball teams played Feb. 14 at the Kansas City Kansas Community College, Bishop Ward’s home court. Although Bishop Ward led 32 to 30 at the end of the third quarter, Bonner Springs outscored the Cyclones by 10 points in the fourth quarter to win the game 47 to 39.

Falling out of bounds, Bishop Ward senior Alexis Dominguez saved the ball to a team mate. Dominguez led Bishop Ward with 21 points in the game. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Bishop Ward junior Kayla Navy threw a three-quarter court outlet pass to start a fast break. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Midway through the third quarter, with Bonner Springs ahead by a single point, head coach Nick Schuster talked to the team during a timeout. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

The Bonner Springs cheerleading squad performed a stunt between the third and fourth quarters. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Bishop Ward head coach Carrie Lally called a timeout to slow the Bonner Springs run in the fourth quarter. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Bonner Springs forward Kim Whetstone (10) shot a layup in the fourth quarter. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Bonner Springs guard Shaunie Lanning (35) made a short jumpshot in the fourth quarter. Lanning had 11 points in the game. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Bonner Springs guard Shaunie Lanning dribbled around the side to run the clock late in the fourth quarter. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

After the game, Jerry Gorman, a Bishop Ward alumnus and member of the Catholic Youth Organization executive board, welcomed student-athletes from several local Catholic schools onto the court. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Members of the St. Patrick’s boys’ basketball team waved to the crowd as their school was announced. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

Carrie Lally exchanged high-fives with some of the students from St. Patrick’s. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)