Mechanical Sales Midwest named newest sponsor of KCKCC Foundation event

by Kelly Rogge, KCKCC

The Kansas City Kansas Community College Foundation’s Mid America Education Hall of Fame and Sponsorship Event has gained another sponsorship as preparations for the inaugural gala continue.

Mechanical Sales Midwest Inc. made a $5,000 donation earlier this week, joining other sponsor Coca Cola, Security Bank and Blue Cross Blue Shield. The company is an Independent Manufacturers Representative serving its market by providing HVAC applications expertise to system design professionals, generating custom equipment selections, delivering superior installation contractor support, providing professional factory authorized system start-up and warranty support.

“We are proud to be part of the exciting things happening at KCKCC,” said Marcus Malich, owner and partner of Mechanical Sales Midwest.

This new event will join the Mid America Education Hall of Fame and the 4.0 Fundraising Gala into one event on April 15 at the Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center. There will be a VIP-only reception at 5:30 p.m. followed by a general reception at 6 p.m. The program begins at 7 p.m.

The honorary chair for this year’s event is Will Shields, former NFL player and member of 2015 NFL Hall of Fame class. He was also a 2001 Mid America Education Hall of Fame Award recipient.

“This inaugural event brings together the annual Hall of Fame awards and the fall fundraising gala to form a new event,” said KCKCC President Doris Givens. “It will celebrate and honor the award recipients, while raising financial resources for scholarships.”

The Mid America Education Hall of Fame started in 1996 as a way to recognize individuals, organizations and corporate supporters in the community who have made notable contributions to education. Hall of Fame inductees are selected based on a demonstrated commitment to education, their effort to improve the quality of life in the community through a commitment to education, increasing educational opportunities for others and supporting significant changes that have improved the quality of education.

“We will highlight our innovative programs by offering engaging activities through interactive events for our guests,” said Tami Bartunek, executive director of marketing, community outreach and foundation at KCKCC. “This will be a great way to show what are students are learning.”

For more information on the Mid America Education Hall of Fame and Sponsorship Event, contact Bartunek at 913-288-7166 or by email at [email protected].