KCKCC to celebrate 92nd annual Candle Lighting Ceremony Wednesday

by Kelly Rogge, KCKCC

Kansas City Kansas Community College’s oldest tradition is returning Wednesday, honoring the holiday season while raising funds for scholarships at the same time.

The 92nd-Annual Candle Lighting Ceremony is at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, in the KCKCC Performing Arts Center on the main campus, 7250 State Ave.

Classes will not be held during the lighting, so that all personnel and students, who wish to, can participate in the program.

However, the Jewell Center, KCKCC Library and all offices will be open during those hours to serve individuals who choose not to participate in the ceremony. In addition, there will be overflow rooms available in the Upper and Lower Jewell if seats are not available in the performing arts center. It is free and open to the public.

All classes that are scheduled to begin at noon will start 10 minutes after the program has ended to allow students and faculty to time to get to their classrooms.

The ceremony will showcase the Jazz Combo, “The Standard” Vocal Jazz Ensemble and students in the Theatre Department.

New this year will be a celebration of the 50th anniversary if the KCKCC College Seal and commemorating the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, by honoring members of the Armed Forces.

There will also be a special presentation and dedication of a memorial plaque, which was hand-crafted by students and staff at the Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center. The plaque honors the KCKCC Gold Star Boys – KCKCC students who lost their lives during World War II.

The Washington High School Air Force Junior ROTC Color Guard who will be presenting the flags as the KCKCC Jazz Combo plays the “Star Spangled Banner.”

A reception will immediately follow the Candle Lighting Ceremony in the KCKCC Bookstore. All items in the bookstore will be on sale.

“The Candle Lighting Ceremony is open to everyone in our community and beyond,” said Andrica Wilcoxen, director of student activities at KCKCC. “Current students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members will get to experience the wonderful talent, leadership and lifelong friendships at KCKCC. In addition, everyone who attends will be able to give honor where honor is due to remember and appreciate our current and fallen members of the Armed Forces and pay tribute to our KCKCC Gold Star Boys. “

KCKCC faculty members started the Candle Lighting Ceremony in December 1924, the year after KCKCC was founded. It remains the oldest tradition at KCKCC and serves as an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to celebrate the upcoming holiday season. During that first year, a collection was taken to fund student scholarships. This tradition has continued and over the years, more than $10,000 has been collected for student scholarships at KCKCC.

KCKCC alumni and community members will be given the opportunity to give free will donations to support the KCKCC student scholarship fund. There are and have been many students who have benefited from the scholarship fund, which would not be possible without the community and alumni, a spokesman said.

“Alumni attending the Candle Lighting Ceremony have the opportunity to give financially to help raise up future leaders and share success stories in their given professions,” Wilcoxen said. “By attending this ceremony, many people will see how Kansas City Kansas Community College is the most progressive, forward looking, forward thinking, forward moving, entrepreneurial, and diverse community college in the entire state of Kansas and beyond.”

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at KCKCC.