Community member steps forward to replace funds stolen in church theft

When an estimated $50 for needy families was stolen from Zion United Church of Christ on Sunday, it wasn’t long before a community member stepped up and replaced the entire amount.

According to the church’s administrative assistant, two persons came into the church on Sunday morning while she was teaching Sunday school and took the money for needy Christmas families, along with a wallet from her purse that was in an office.

The church, at 2711 N. 72nd St., Kansas City, Kan., had been selling tickets for a quilt that one of the members made and donated for the fund for needy families.

A friend of one of the church members who replaced the funds did not want a big deal made out of it, she added.

The church’s administrative assistant suffered the loss of about $167 when the thieves used a card at Walmart, she said, and also about $18 for gasoline, and some change from her purse.

On her way home from church, she checked email on her phone, which was still in her purse, and discovered that she had an email about someone trying to charge something to her medical card at a QuikTrip near 83rd and Parallel Parkway, she said. The card was declined because it was not at an approved location. She and her husband drove to the QuikTrip, got a description of the persons there, and discovered that they were trying to buy gift cards.

She was able to stop the card, but it wasn’t before the charge at Walmart, she added. However, she is glad that the $300 charge was declined at QuikTrip.

Her husband went through the trash at QuikTrip and found her wallet, with her identification in it, she said.

“I felt very violated, but also very grateful that they did not take the whole purse, house and car keys,” she said.

She said the suspects were recognized by another member of the church, because they had been there a few years ago and received some money for gas. A man in his 40s had a very distinctive-looking face, she added.

She said the church members will be more diligent at all times to make sure there is someone watching the door.

After the incident hit social media, people from other churches told her they also had incidents involving stolen purses, she said.

“I want these other churches in our KCK area to be aware,” she said.