Bridge replacement project to start Thursday in Piper

A new bridge replacement project will start Thursday, June 5, in the Piper area of Kansas City, Kan.

The K-7, U.S. 73 bridge over Piper Creek project begins at 10 a.m. Thursday and lasts through late September, according to the Kansas Department of Transportation.

Northbound and southbound K-7 and U.S. 73 traffic will be shifted and placed side by side, one lane each direction, in the existing U.S. 73 northbound lanes from Parallel Parkway to Donahoo Road.

Traffic will be directed via signs, cones and arrow boards through the project work zone, according to KDOT. There will be a 55 mph posted speed limit through the project work zone throughout the project duration. Drivers should expect major delays during the daily peak time commutes.

Updated daily traffic information for this project and for the entire Kansas City Metro Area can be viewed online any time at:

Motorists are asked to slow down, obey the signs and pay attention in the work zone area.