Piper school budget issue passes

The Piper School District budget issue special election question passed 300-164, according to unofficial results from the Wyandotte County Election office.

Voters approved increasing the local option budget 1 percent, from 30 percent to 31 percent. That means an increase of around $150,000 that will be used in the classrooms, according to the district. The tax increase was estimated at about $1.35 a month on a $275,000 home.

Voting in favor of the budget question were 64.66 percent of the voters. Voter turnout was 6.24 percent, according to election figures.

According to Piper school district information, state aid has not kept up with expenses of the district. State aid has declined while operational costs rose 3 percent, according to school district information. State aid in Piper is about $650 less per student than it was eight years ago.