New revenue numbers show growing Kansas budget deficit

State Budget Director Shawn Sullivan said Gov. Sam Brownback will work with the Legislature — rather than announce immediate spending cuts — to close a $350 million budget gap in the current fiscal year.  (Photo by Stephen Koranda, Kansas Public Radio)
State Budget Director Shawn Sullivan said Gov. Sam Brownback will work with the Legislature — rather than announce immediate spending cuts — to close a $350 million budget gap in the current fiscal year. (Photo by Stephen Koranda, Kansas Public Radio)

by Stephen Koranda, Kansas Public Radio

Kansas officials have lowered the forecast for future tax collections by hundreds of millions of dollars, creating a bleak budget picture. The state now faces a $350 million deficit in the current fiscal year and a nearly $600 million budget gap in the next fiscal year.

Sometimes when the revenue estimate is lowered, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback immediately announces cuts to balance the budget. Brownback’s budget director, Shawn Sullivan, said that won’t happen this time.

“He’s going to present a budget proposal in January,” Sullivan said at a news briefing Thursday. “Then we will work with the Legislature on the best way to close the gap.”

Sullivan said sagging energy and agriculture industries are hurting Kansas tax collections. He said all options are on the table for filling the budget hole.

Legislative researchers project budget shortfalls totaling $1.1 billion through June 2019, based on current legal requirements for spending. The state’s annual spending is $15.5 billion.

State Sen. Laura Kelly, a Topeka Democrat, squarely blames tax cuts passed in recent years for the shortfall. She also doesn’t like that Brownback is leaving it up to the Legislature to fill the hole.

“I think it’s chicken and I think it’s payback. He lost a lot of his allies in this last election,” Kelly said.

Kelly suspects closing the gap could mean layoffs as well as cuts to higher education and other services.

— Stephen Koranda is a Statehouse reporter for Kansas Public Radio.

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