Local Democrats looking forward to tonight’s presidential debate

Several Democrats waiting expectantly for the presidential debate to begin tonight at a watch party in Kansas City, Kan., were joined by the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District, Jay Sidie.

Sidie said he would be attending four events tonight, including dropping by the watch party at the Democratic field office at 7925 State Ave., Suite 102. He had three other stops to make.

“I’m a strong Democrat,” Sidie said. “I think Hillary’s going to make a fine president, and I’m scared to death of Donald Trump. I feel like Donald Trump being in the race is the best thing that we have going for us. He’s going to get all the scared Democrats out to vote. I think it’s going to be a big year for Democrats.”

Shirley Carter-Ikerd, attending the watch party, said she thought the debate would be good. “He’s not going to rattle Hillary,” she said. “She’s not going to pay attention to what he says about Bill.”

Leonard Stallings said he had been out doing voter registration the past two weeks. “We want to see Hillary in office,” he said. He and Irene Breedlove registered 30 people in two days, he said. Breedlove said they registered one man who didn’t know he could vote.

State Sen. David Haley, D-4th Dist., said he expected to see a calm, reasoned presentation from Secretary Clinton, and a fiery, off-the-cuff, sometimes divisive tone from Donald Trump.

Mary Martin said she was looking for a Democratic sweep this election. “I’m waiting for the victory party,” she added.

The watch party will be at the 7925 State Ave. location through the end of the debate tonight.

State Sen. David Haley chatted with people attending a watch party tonight, before the debate started. (Staff photo)
State Sen. David Haley chatted with people attending a watch party tonight, before the debate started. (Staff photo)

Refreshments were served at the watch party tonight in Kansas City, Kan. (Staff photo)
Refreshments were served at the watch party tonight in Kansas City, Kan. (Staff photo)