El Centro sponsors ‘get out the vote’ rally

by William Crum

As many of you are aware election time is just around the corner and believe it or not a lot of people aren’t registered to vote.

To help solve this problem El Centro with the cooperation of El Rio Bravo Supermarket, 11 S. 10th St., Kansas City, Kan., sponsored a voter rally on Saturday.

An estimated 60 people attended this event. There was food, and for children, balloons and bounce house donated by El Centro.

Voter registration closes on Tuesday, Oct. 18, in Kansas. For more information, visit www.kssos.org/elections/elections_registration.html.

Jay Sidie,  Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District, attended a voter registration event on Saturday in Kansas City, Kan. (Photo by William Crum)
Jay Sidie, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd District, attended a voter registration event on Saturday in Kansas City, Kan. (Photo by William Crum)