Legends to close for Thanksgiving this year

The Legends Outlets in Kansas City, Kan., announced today it would be closed on Thanksgiving this year.

In prior years the shopping center opened on Thanksgiving night to begin Black Friday sales, but this year it will stay closed on Thanksgiving, according to the announcement.

Several other retail centers are closing on Thanksgiving, among them Oak Park Mall, the Mall of America and some big box retailers. Nearby Nebraska Furniture Mart has closed on the major holidays consistently through the years.

A spokesman for The Legends Outlets stated that some retailers in the shopping center may decide to open on Thanksgiving, but the center will be officially closed for the holiday. It will reopen at 6 a.m. Friday, Nov. 25.

One thought on “Legends to close for Thanksgiving this year”

  1. The failure to enforce an ordinance:
    Sec. 27-737. – Outdoor advertising signs.
    (d) Prohibited areas. Regardless of zoning district, outdoor advertising signs shall be prohibited on the following streets:
    (1) Grandview Boulevard from 9th Street to Park Drive.
    (2) Hoel Parkway from Minnesota Avenue to Washington Boulevard.
    (3) Meadowlark Lane from State Avenue to Parallel Parkway.
    (4) Parallel Parkway from 3rd Street to the western city limits.

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