Day care building converted into dental office

A large turnout greeted the grand opening today for Dr. Steven Pendleton’s dental office at 9000 State Ave., Kansas City, Kan.

Clients, family, employees and friends were present for the ribbon-cutting, along with the Kansas City Area Chamber of Commerce, Unified Government Commissioner Melissa Bynum, J.D. Rios of the Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees, and KCKCC President Doris Givens. Also present was Dr. Pendleton’s mother, Linda Pendleton.

The building, which formerly housed the Tots and Tales preschool, was renovated and converted into dental offices, Dr. Pendleton told the group.

Dr. Pendleton, a native of Kansas City, Kan., has practiced dentistry here for 18 years. He is a graduate of Harmon High School, KCKCC and the University of Missouri at Kansas City.

The contractor for the renovated building was Greg Douglas, and the architect for the renovated building was Guy Gronberg. All labor was local, according to Dr. Pendleton.

Daniel Silva, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, introduced the guests at the ribbon-cutting.

“Your story is the story of so many people in Wyandotte County,” said Bynum, who was serving as mayor pro tem today. “Not only are you bringing your professional services to more and more people, you are keeping them here in Wyandotte County.”

The former Tots and Tales preschool at 90th and State Avenue now has been converted into a dental office. (Staff photo)
The former Tots and Tales preschool at 90th and State Avenue now has been converted into a dental office. (Staff photo)

Daniel Silva, right, of the Kansas City, Kan., Area Chamber of Commerce, welcomed Dr. Steven Pendleton at the grand opening and ribbon cutting today. (Staff photo)
Daniel Silva, right, executive director of the Kansas City, Kan., Area Chamber of Commerce, welcomed Dr. Steven Pendleton at the grand opening and ribbon cutting today. (Staff photo)

People chatted at the grand opening for Dr. Steven Pendleton's dental office today at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)
People chatted at the grand opening for Dr. Steven Pendleton’s dental office today at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)

The group listened to speeches at the grand opening of the dental office today at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)
The group listened to speeches at the grand opening of the dental office today at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)

Holding the ribbon at the opening today of  Dr. Steven Pendleton's dental office at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)
Holding the ribbon at the opening today of Dr. Steven Pendleton’s dental office at 9000 State Ave. (Staff photo)

One thought on “Day care building converted into dental office”

  1. This is awesome. I used to go to Dr. Pendleton when I lived in Ks. I went to school with him as well. I will be taking my 2 yr grandson to him soon. Good luck.

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