Police report progress in solving homicide cases

Kansas City, Kan., police are reporting progress in solving a recent spate of homicide cases, with help from tips from the community.

The community experienced five homicides in the six days from Aug. 30 through Sept. 4, some of them from drive-by shootings.

According to a police spokesman, three of the cases have been solved, with charges pending.

They include the Brannae Brown homicide, Sept. 2 at 500 Freeman, resulting in one arrest; the Steven Sykes homicide, Sept. 3 at 2100 Quindaro; and the David Burkin homicide, Sept. 5, at 900 Argentine Blvd., one arrest.

So far this year, there have been 29 homicides in Kansas City, Kan., and at this time in 2015, the total number of homicides was 22.

The police spokesman said there are promising leads on other cases, but they still need additional information from the public to solidify the case.

The other homicide cases from the past week included a homicide Aug. 31 in the 100 block of South 12th St., a drive-by shooting that killed Kevin E. Gonzalez, 21; and a homicide Aug. 30 in the 2400 block of North 9th St., a drive-by shooting that killed Natasha A. Hays, 36.

Detectives, task force officers, community policing officers and command staff members are meeting today to discuss the remaining unsolved cases and formulate a strategy to become partners with the community. Police plan to seek information by going door-to-door in the neighborhoods where the crimes occurred, and distribute informational fliers.

Anyone with information about any crime may call the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at 913-573-6020 or the TIPS hotline at 816-474-TIPS.