Unemployment rate at 5.7 percent in KCK

Unemployment in Kansas City, Kan., is 5.7 percent, the second highest rate among large cities in Kansas, according to figures released today by the Kansas Department of Labor.

The Wyandotte County unemployment rate was 5.6 percent, representing 4,366 persons listed as unemployed.

The unemployment rate was down about one-half of one percent over the past year in Kansas City, Kan., and Wyandotte County, according to figures from the state Department of Labor. It was up about six-tenths of a percent from May’s rate.

The rate for the state of Kansas in June 2016 was 3.8 percent, up slightly from 3.7 percent in May and down from 4.2 percent one year ago.

“June estimates provided a more consistent picture of the Kansas labor market than last month,” said Emilie Doerksen, labor economist, Kansas Department of Labor, in a news release. “The unemployment rate remains low at 3.8 percent, with both the establishment survey and the household survey indicating positive but tepid job growth over the year.”