Office manager pleads guilty to theft from Lawrence company

A former office manager for a Lawrence, Kan., property management company pleaded guilty Monday to embezzlement, acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said.

Candy A. Gunderson, 44, Lawrence, pleaded guilty to one count of interstate transportation of stolen funds. In her plea, Gunderson admitted the crime took place from 2007 to 2015 while she was office manager for Garber Enterprises in Lawrence. She used various means to steal money from the company including:

• Depositing into her personal account checks made payable to Garber Enterprises.
• Issuing forged Garber Enterprises checks.
• Using company funds to pay bills for work performed on rental properties she owned.
• Using the company VISA card for personal expenses.
• Depositing cash belonging to the company into her personal accounts.
• Forging checks on Garber’s account to pay for personal phone bill.

Sentencing is set for Nov. 7. She faces a penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000. At the sentencing hearing, the judge will determine the amount of the loss and the restitution.