KCK man faces 18 pornography charges

Robert E. Boyce Jr., 29, of Kansas City, Kan., was charged Thursday with 18 counts of sexual exploitation of a child for the distribution and possession of pornographic images of children.

According to the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s office, the charges are the result of a lengthy and detailed investigation by the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Office in connection with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

More than a dozen other cases are currently under investigation based on tips and information submitted to the Sheriff’s Office by the ICAC partner agencies. The district attorney’s office is working closely with the Sheriff’s Office investigators to pursue charges in these cases.

The Sheriff’s Office assisted with the task force and provided a detective to work part-time with the task force, Sheriff Don Ash said. The case came to Wyandotte County from a group working in Overland Park. The task force provides support for investigating the cases.