Democratic leaders start petition to require governor to call special session on school finance

Kansas Democratic leaders today asked Gov. Sam Brownback to call a special session to address school finance.

The Kansas Supreme Court recently said the plan passed this year was not equitable and gave Kansas legislators until June 30 to come up with an equitable plan for school finance.

Democratic leaders have started collecting signatures on a petition that, if it receives two-thirds of the signatures of legislators, would require the governor to call the special session. All the Democrats have agreed to sign it, according to the House Democratic leader’s staff.

In a letter to Gov. Brownback signed by House Minority Leader Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist., and Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, the Democrats stated, “It’s apparent by your inaction, that you are content to cause a constitutional crisis over our most important obligation – to fund our children’s education. Instead of taking immediate action, you’ve chosen to attack the court for doing their job and upholding the constitution, all the while putting Kansas students at risk and unnecessarily inciting fear of school closure amongst their parents and teachers.”

The Legislature formally adjourned earlier this week, without taking any further action on school finance.

Gov. Brownback issued this statement on Wednesday: “I will work with the Attorney General and Legislative leadership to respond aggressively and appropriately to any action taken by the Kansas Supreme Court to close our schools. Kansas has great schools and they should remain open. The Court should not be playing politics with our children’s education.”

The full text of the Democrats’ letter today:

“For more than five years, the Kansas Legislature has under-funded our schools. Despite your rhetoric, you and your Republican allies have neglected the needs of our children and ignored our constitutional duty to equitably and adequately fund our schools. Instead, you’ve prioritized a tax plan that is seriously damaging our state and our communities, while benefiting only your political allies.

“It’s apparent by your inaction, that you are content to cause a constitutional crisis over our most important obligation – to fund our children’s education. Instead of taking immediate action, you’ve chosen to attack the court for doing their job and upholding the constitution, all the while putting Kansas students at risk and unnecessarily inciting fear of school closure amongst their parents and teachers.

“The legislature has been given not one, not two, but now three opportunities by the courts to find a solution. But under your leadership – and that of Republican lawmakers – you have failed. Kansas students and parents will not tolerate your excuses any longer. Over 25% of total education funding is at risk, schools face closure, and an entire generation of Kansas kids struggle with fewer learning opportunities.

“Due to your inaction and the failure of Republican leadership to address the needs of our schools during the regular session, we are invoking Article 5, Section 1 of the Kansas Constitution, which requires the governor to call the legislature into special session upon petition signed by at least two-thirds of the members elected to each house. We have already begun collecting signatures.

“Your inability to lead – and your Republican allies refusal to do their constitutional duty – has put Kansas on the brink of a constitutional crisis. It is time to move past these failures, come together, and find a solution to equitably fund Kansas schools.”