Chaplain returns to Bishop Ward

Father Anthony Ouellette
Father Anthony Ouellette

Bishop Ward High School has announced announce that Father Anthony G. Ouellette, a priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, will be returning to the school as community chaplain.

“We are grateful to have Fr. Ouellette join the community at Bishop Ward High School where he will serve as a chaplain to the students and the Ward family,” stated Father Tom Schrader, O. Carm., president of Bishop Ward.

Father Ouellette served in the U.S. Navy, 1992-1998, where he served as an electronics technician, spending four and a half years of that time overseas in Asia. After one year of college upon his discharge, he was accepted by his archdiocese as a seminarian and studied for three years at Conception Seminary College, Conception, Mo., and finished his formation at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.

Since his ordination, he has served as an associate pastor, a high school chaplain at Bishop Ward High School (2006 to 2009), and has been pastor for five different parishes. He was assigned as the ecclesial assistant to the charismatic renewal for his archdiocese in 2009.

“I really enjoyed my previous assignment as chaplain at Bishop Ward, and I look forward to returning and being an official part of the school’s mission once again,” Father Ouellette said about returning to the school.

His current assignment is as pastor of All Saints Parish, Kansas City, Kan., which is the consolidation of six different parishes.

– Story from Josh Sukraw, social media and marketing manager, Bishop Ward