High school plays host to Iraqi delegates

Several Iraqi delegates were expected to visit Bishop Ward High School on Monday, April 25.

Students will have the opportunity to engage in a live face-to-face international conversation about what they are learning about their government, press and interaction between the two. They are anxious to understand how easily accessible government information is to high school students.

“What a special opportunity to connect with these international visitors and be able to provide a real-life interaction. Our students will be able to ask questions and learn directly from one another. As a Catholic high school, we have a unique perspective when it comes to integrating government, religion and even science. We are lucky to share our distinctive position with these visitors,” said Devon Whitton, Bishop Ward social studies teacher.

Thriving in the urban core for more than 108 years, Bishop Ward High School is diverse in its own right, representing students of many nationalities and religions. The school welcomes all students and reminds students that there is a larger world beyond their backyard by taking students on an international mission trip and by having a strong partnership with a school in Uganda.

The school was selected by Global Ties KC as the only high school institution in the Kansas City metro to be a host of a visit from this group. The Iraqi delegates are in the United States under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program. The program in western Missouri and Kansas is arranged by Global Ties KC, an organization whose purpose is to improve global understanding and make peace through exchange programs between international leaders and their American counterparts in Kansas and Western Missouri.
The Iraqi delegates are high-level government officials from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Media and Awareness, and the Independent Human Rights Commission. They will be following the “Running a Government Press Office, A Project for Iraq” program.

– From Josh Sukraw ∙ Bishop Ward marketing and social media manager