Low-income housing project at 65th and Riverview rises from the dead to go back on agenda Thursday

A low-income housing project at 65th and Riverview that failed in a Unified Government committee by a vote of 2-2 on April 4 has been resurrected and is back on the agenda for approval at the April 14 full UG Commission meeting.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 14, at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The housing project does not appear on the consent agenda; it is on the mayor’s agenda portion of the meeting.

The project, presented by an Oklahoma developer, is for 30 single-family low-income homes on a 12-acre site at 223 N. 65th St., Kansas City, Kan. The homes would have 1,840 to 1,900 square feet, three bedrooms, two baths, and a two-car garage with a storm shelter space under it. There was no mention of a basement in the agenda description. The proposed Legacy Park Estates project would use Section 42 tax credits, according to the agenda.

An explanation on the agenda stated that two members of the Economic Development and Finance Committee were absent from the meeting, and the remaining vote was split. Some commissioners expressed uncertainty about the application of the low-income housing policy and procedure.

Voting against the project at the UG Committee meeting April 4 were Commissioners Hal Walker and Ann Murguia. After the 2-2 vote, some commissioners seemed to be unsure about whether it would advance to the full Commission meeting and expressed some doubt about it– but according to one UG official attending the meeting, it needed a minimum of four votes in favor to advance. To see a previous story about that meeting, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/low-income-housing-project-fails-at-ug-committee-meeting/.

“Under these circumstances and given the total points awarded this project as well as the support of the district commissioner, this item is presented to the full commission for consideration,” the April 14 agenda stated.

Before the 7 p.m. meeting starts, a 5 p.m. meeting is scheduled April 14 on the jail study in the fifth floor conference room.

Also on the Thursday night 7 p.m. agenda:

• A resolution to set a public hearing for May 26 to consider renewing the Downtown Improvement District, a Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District in Kansas City, Kan. The renewal of the SSMID would be considered if this passes. The group taxes itself for services such as security and trash pickup.

• A resolution to set a public hearing for May 26 to present a tax increment financing project plan and development for an 89-bed hotel and improvements at a shopping area at 34th and Rainbow Boulevard. Part of this $15.7 million Rainbow Village Redevelopment District project already has been approved.

• Another resolution to be considered would schedule a public hearing on May 26 to consider the creation of the Rainbow Village Community Improvement District on 4 acres, as part of the hotel project. The CID would levy an additional 1.25 percent sales tax within the CID.

• An ordinance authorizing the issuance of $7 million in industrial revenue bonds for Security Holdings Inc., for the construction of a Nissan Automotive dealership at the Legends Auto Plaza. According to the UG, there is no tax abatement associated with this project.

• A resolution of intent for $83 million in industrial revenue bonds for the U.S. Soccer National Training Center development and youth tournament fields, as well as infrastructure, at 98th and Parallel Parkway. According to UG agenda information, the project may submit for a sales tax project exemption certificate from the state. There will be a public hearing on a payment in lieu of taxes in connection with this project at a future date. According to the resolution, the $83 million in IRBs will finance the costs of acquiring, constructing, improving and equipping commercial facilities for the benefit of OnGoal LLC.

• An agreement with Bonner Springs in financing capital improvements at the Providence Medical Center Amphitheater (formerly Cricket, Verizon and Sandstone amphitheater) in Bonner Springs. A capital improvements fund will be established for the facility. UG officials said work is almost complete on the renovations at the amphitheater, which will cost a total $865,000. Shows are expected to begin in May. Under this agreement, the UG will finance capital improvements with debt of $750,000. Bonner Springs will pay $30,000 one time to the UG to perform capital improvements, and will pay part of the proceeds from the amusement tax generated from ticket sales at the amphitheater. More details are in the agreement.

• An ordinance that would direct the UG attorney to start legal proceedings to acquire property described as necessary for the 82nd and Tauromee storm sewer enhancement project, Phase II. About 26 strips of land, of which many are parts of a lot in the Stony Point South, Stony Point Heights and Hunter’s Glen subdivisions, are being condemned for the project.

• An agreement between the UG and the Carpenters union. An hourly wage of $28.71 for carpenters on Jan. 1 of this year would increase to $30 on Jan. 14, $30.45 on July 1 and $31.06 on Jan. 1, 2017.

• An agreement between the UG, the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department, and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 40. A starting deputy would receive $3,147.21 a month on Jan. 1, which would be the same through Jan. 1, 2017. Deputies with more than 20 years would receive $4,749.62 a month.

• A resolution to reappropriate $250,000 in CDBG funds that were previously awarded to Heartland Habitat for Humanity to the UG Public Works for sidewalks and ADA ramps. The funds were declined because of short timelines, according to an earlier UG committee meeting.

• A presentation on changes being made to the 311 Call Center data portal.

• A travel request from Commissioner Jane Philbrook to travel to Manhattan, Kan., to attend the Kansas County Commissioners Association annual conference.

4 thoughts on “Low-income housing project at 65th and Riverview rises from the dead to go back on agenda Thursday”

  1. I appreciate the clarification by Info Wyandotte on the name of “Providence Medical Center Amphitheater (formerly Cricket, Verizon and Sandstone amphitheater) in Bonner Springs.” My comment is not meant as comedy sarcasm. Any venue which changes names this often may not be identified quickly otherwise.

    1. Would like to find out how to get an application for housing at Legacy Park Estates

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