Shoulder to be closed for tower replacement work on I-635 and K-5

A tower light replacement project is starting today on I-635 near K-5. (KDOT graphic)
A tower light replacement project is starting today on I-635 near K-5. (KDOT graphic)

A tower light replacement project is starting today on I-635 near K-5. (KDOT photo)
A tower light replacement project is starting today on I-635 near K-5. (KDOT photo)

The I-635 and K-5 interchange will have intermittent shoulder closures for a high tower light replacement project beginning on Monday, April 4, through early June 2016, weather permitting in Kansas City, Kan., according to the Kansas Department of Transportation.

All adjacent interchange ramps will remain open.

The primary contractor, Total Electric, Edwardsville, Kan., on this $184,400 lighting project, will replace the five high light tower light poles located at the interchange. The existing tower lights are being replaced due to their aged condition. Project work hours are 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Traffic will be directed through the project work zone via cones and signage. Drivers should expect little to no delays as the work will take place on the highway shoulders.

Updated daily traffic information for this tower light replacement project and for the entire Kansas City Metro Area can be viewed online

The Kansas Department of Transportation urges all motorists to be alert, obey the warning signs, and slow down when approaching and driving through the project work zone.

Overall project work is scheduled to be completed by early June 2016, weather permitting.