Democrats issue their own letter asking Obama not to send prisoners from Gitmo to Leavenworth

Today, the members of the Kansas Senate Democratic caucus, in a letter to President Obama, requested that the President not transfer prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth.

The letter, which addresses safety and security concerns, notes the facility in Leavenworth is a medium-security facility and does not provide maximum security measures “which would provide long-term segregated housing for the extremely high-risk prisoners who would be transferred from Guantanamo Bay.”

This letter is in stark contrast to HCR 5024, which passed the Senate earlier this week.

“The resolution contained polarizing and uncivil rhetoric that was meant to purposely disrespect our nation’s commander-in-chief,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley. “This issue is about national security and the safety of the Leavenworth community – not about playing political games.”

The letter sent to the President:

“We are writing today in regard to your upcoming decision on closing Guantanamo Bay. It is our understanding that the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kansas, is under consideration for placement of current Guantanamo prisoners. We would like to outline several of the concerns expressed by our constituents regarding this potential action.

“United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, (USP Leavenworth) is a medium-security prison and, therefore, lacks the high security level used by maximum-security prison systems. We are unaware of any current maximum or super-maximum security measures at USP Leavenworth which would provide long-term segregated housing for the extremely high-risk prisoners who would be transferred from Guantanamo Bay. These detainees represent the ‘worst of the worst’ criminals and pose a grave threat to our state and country.

“Because the individuals to be transferred are connected to terrorist groups with a proven history of horrible atrocities against humanity, it is possible that the placement of their comrades in USP Leavenworth would increase the likelihood that Leavenworth or other less secure areas around Kansas would be targeted by terrorist groups.

“We are also concerned that USP Leavenworth does not have the necessary basic facilities to hold and care for these detainees. The prison does not have a full-service medical facility and would have to transport these detainees to the City of Leavenworth for medical care, which is unavailable at the prison. In addition, the surrounding community does not have the law enforcement, emergency response resources, or physical capability to provide the level of protection required to assure the safety of Kansas citizens who live and work in the area.

“Kansas has always shared the burden of defending our country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, including the imprisonment of enemy combatants during times of war. However, for the reasons outlined above we do not believe that USP Leavenworth is an appropriate destination for Guantanamo Bay prisoners.”

The letter was signed by Democratic senators including Sen. David Haley and Sen. Pat Pettey of Wyandotte County.

One thought on “Democrats issue their own letter asking Obama not to send prisoners from Gitmo to Leavenworth”

  1. Interesting, they reference the wrong prison! The location being looked at is on Fort Leavenworth and is a military prison!

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