Registration open for Walk Kansas program

Registration for Walk Kansas, a health initiative, is being accepted currently.

The team-based program, presented by K-State Research and Extension, is aimed at improving health, becoming more active and making better nutrition choices, according to Lori Wuellner of the K-State Research and Extension office in Wyandotte County.

According to the sponsors of the program, participants have reported they have more energy, endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, get better sleep and have a better attitude. In addition, those who walk more cut the rates of heart disease and other disease significantly, according to Walk Kansas organizers.

The dates for the program this year are April 3 through May 28.

Participating teams will have one captain and five teammates.

Each team will select one challenge, out of three choices.

The first challenge is for each person to reach a minimum goal of physical activity of 2.5 hours of moderate to vigorous activity per week. Collectively, the team would walk 423 miles, the distance across the state.

The second challenge is to take a meandering trek diagonally across the state from Troy to Elkhart – each person would log 4 hours of activity per week, which would take the team 750 miles.

Or the participants could choose the third challenge – walk the perimeter of Kansas, 1,200 miles – with each person logging 6 hours of moderate to vigorous activity per week.

The cost of Walk Kansas is $8 per person. Registration ends on Friday, March 25.

The program is being presented in partnership with the Kansas City Kansas Community College Wellness Center.

Walk Kansas participants will pay a reduced registration fee to take part in the Blue Devil 5K on Saturday, May 7. Those registering before March 31 may pay $15 for the first 20 registrations. Registration is $20 before April 22, and $25 after April 22, with fees sent to the Extension office.

There will be a limited number of guest passes for the first full week in April.

Those in Walk Kansas also will have an opportunity to participate in two physical activity classes provided by the Wellness Center on April 23 at the Extension office. There will be an admission charge to benefit a local charity.

Health and fitness information also will be shared weekly in the Walk Kansas program.

For more information, visit or call the Wyandotte County Extension office at 913-299-9300.