KCK school board honors students of month

Four students were honored by the Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education for their exemplary work.

Named students of the month for February were Jermyiah Lewis from Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Education Center; Rubi Perez-Villegas from New Stanley Elementary School; Joshua Gaddy from Central Middle School; and Luke Wortman from Schlagle High School.

Their nomination letters:

Jermyiah Lewis, pre-K. :
“Jermyiah is such a wonderful addition to our preschool class. He is a leader among his peers, always setting a positive example for his classmates. He is a hard worker and tries his very best on every activity. He has many friends which he treats with respect and kindness!! Thank you for selecting him as one of the students for February student of the month.” Sincerely, Haley Logan, teacher

Rubi Perez-Villegas, 4th grade:
“Rubi is a positive role model for other students in our classroom. She takes great pride in her work and always does her best. She participates in classroom discussions and has a kind and gentle manner. She has become quite proficient with the iPad. When she writes, she is tenacious. Her mother is very active with our class and helps when needed. This caring background carries through in Rubi’s day-to-day activities.” Sincerely, Dawn Medina and Enid Rosario, teachers

Joshua Gaddy, 6th grade:
“As a science teacher and advocate, it gives me immense pleasure to write this recommendation for Josh Gaddy for student of the month. Josh is a well-rounded student, with values and etiquette. He is punctual and does his homework every day. He uses study hall to help others who are struggling. I have had the good fortune of meeting his parents as well, who are equally grounded. I am proud of Gaddy and his hard work.” Jodi Reno, teacher and advocate

Luke Wortman, 11th grade:
“Luke has a very pleasant personality and attitude. It can easily be seen that he values his education. This scholar is present physically and mentally every day and his grades reflect it. One thing that I truly appreciate about Luke is that he is not afraid to ask questions. He understands that to be successful you need to take on each task with care and seriousness. Luke is one of my brightest scholars! I know that he will continue to shine and his brightness will spread to those around him.” Sincerely, Raneka Truelove, language arts teacher