Budget, CDBG public hearing scheduled for Thursday UG meeting

A public hearing on the Unified Government budget and on the Community Development Block Grant budget for 2016-2017 is scheduled during the 7 p.m. UG Commission meeting Thursday, Feb. 25, at City Hall, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The public hearing is part of the regular meeting, and residents may attend and make comments on the budgets.

The agenda for the meeting also includes an ordinance amendment requiring small discount dollar retail stores to receive a special use permit, and an ordinance amendment that would tighten regulations on vending machines and outdoor sales, as well as many special use permit applications.

The agenda also includes:

• A resolution to enter into a contract with the Greater Kansas City Health Care Foundation to accept a $150,000 grant for the Healthy Campus project;
• An ordinance to issue special obligation tax increment revenue refunding bonds for the 39Rainbow South TIF project, for $4.3 million principal to refund a 2013 bond issue;
• A resolution authorizing an $81,250 annual payment to Bonner Springs, Kan., for sales tax associated with the relocation of the Bonner Springs Ford from Bonner Springs to the auto mall near 98th and Parallel;
• A plat of Piper Commons, Donahoo Road and 107th Street;
• Appointments of Roderick Bettis to the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (SSMID) advisory board; Cindy Cash to the SSMID advisory board; reappointment of Murrel Bland to the Landmarks Commission Board; reappointment of Barbara Jolley to the SSMID;
• Reappropriation of the CDBG funds from 2015, see earlier story at https://wyandotteonline.com/re-do-of-cdbg-fund-grants-announced/;
• Two ordinances authorizing and providing for issuance of general obligation refunding bonds to refund part of the city’s outstanding general obligation bonds, and two resolutions directing the sale and delivery of general obligation refunding bonds, together totaling about $23.7 million;
• Agreements with the UG employees in the Service Employees International Union Local 1, the Painters District Council No. 3, and the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department and Teamsters Local No. 955;
• UG-Hollywood Casino and Schlitterbahn grant guidelines for the charitable contributions funds, see earlier story at https://wyandotteonline.com/following-the-ug-money-distributions/.

Several planning and zoning items are on the agenda including:
• 4115 Luke Lane, change of zone from single family district to agriculture district for an accessory structure.
• 1516 N. 13th St., special use permit application for a truck repair operation;
• 827 S. 76th St., renewal of special use permit to keep farm animals for 4-H projects.
• 4752 State Ave., renewal of special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with El Potrero Bar and Grill.
• 735 Walker Ave., renewal of special use permit for a storage shed for New Bethel Church;
• 16 N. James St, with expansion to 12 N. James St., Silvur Dolla Enterprise, renewal of special use permit for live entertainment with expansion, and renewal of special use permit for parking at 2, 4 and 12 N. James St.
• 4415 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for temporary use of land u for a storage container;
• 3440 N. 131st St., renewal of special use permit for a kennel for 10 dogs;
• 4315 N. 112th St., renewal of special use permit for a kennel for four dogs;
• 7625 Riverview Ave., renewal of special use permit for a sheep and goat farm;
• 3202 W. Barker Circle, renewal of special use permit for after-school program;
• 1630 Kansas Ave., renewal of special use permit for a construction trailer, PQ Corp.;
• 2925 Minnesota Ave., preliminary and final plan review for a parking lot in conjunction with the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church;
• 4022 Silver Ave., special use permit for six chickens.

Several Land Bank transfers:
• 1124 and 1126 Armstrong Ave. to CHWC, to construct a duplex
Transfers to Land Bank:
• 720 Everett Ave. from the UG
• 629 Franklin Ave. from the UG
• 631 Franklin Ave. from the UG
• 633 Franklin Ave. from the UG
• 1522 Pacific Ave. from the UG
• 1524 Pacific Ave. from the UG
• 642 Parallel Pkwy. from the UG
• 646 Parallel Pkwy from the UG
• 1903 N. Tremont St. from the UG
• 731 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 733 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 735 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 747 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 749 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 751 Barnett Ave. from KCK
• 1972 Glendale Ave. from KCK
• 1009 Nebraska Ave. from KCK
• 1027 Nebraska Ave. from KCK
• 740 Tauromee Ave. from KCK
• 746 Tauromee Ave. from KCK
• 748 Tauromee Ave. from KCK
• 750 Tauromee Ave. from KCK
• 2942 N. Thompson St. from KCK
• 418 Walker Ave. from KCK
• 2920 Washington Ave. from KCK