Elementary school lunch menus

Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 8
Mandarin orange chicken, fried rice, tomatoes, broccoli, tropical fruit.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Cheese pizza, corn, garden salad, peaches.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Nacho bites, refried beans, apple smiles.
Thursday, Feb. 11
Chicken and noodles, celery sticks, peas and carrots, banana.
Friday, Feb. 12
No school.
Additional options: Chef’s salad, fruit salad, yogurt-muffin basket. Vegetarian options: Veggie burger, bean and cheese burrito.

Turner Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 8
Cheeseburger; chicken and dumplings, garden salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges; Italian chef salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges, Italian bread.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Chicken strips with Mardi Gras sauce; chicken nachos with white queso, garden salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix; taco salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix, cornbread.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Chicken patty; fish patty, mashed potatoes with gravy, glazed carrots, fruit, peaches, roll; chicken Caesar salad, glazed carrots, fruit, peaches, roll.
Thursday, Feb. 11
No school.
Friday, Feb. 12
No school.

Piper Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 8
Cheeseburger; chicken and dumplings, garden salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges; Italian chef salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges, Italian bread.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Chicken strips with Mardi Gras sauce; chicken nachos with white queso, garden salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix; taco salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix, cornbread.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Chicken patty; fish patty, mashed potatoes with gravy, glazed carrots, fruit, peaches, roll; chicken Caesar salad, glazed carrots, fruit, peaches, roll.
Thursday, Feb. 11
Early out.
Friday, Feb. 12
No school.

Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 8
Cheeseburger; turkey club wrap, garden salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges; Italian chef salad, corn, fruit, mandarin oranges, Italian bread.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Chicken strips with Mardi Gras sauce; frito pie, garden salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix; taco salad, pintos, fruit, banana orange mix, cornbread.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
No school.
Thursday, Feb. 11
No school.
Friday, Feb. 12
No school.

All menus from all districts subject to change.