Library workshop to guide writers in finding own ‘inner trickster’

Denise Low, former Kansas Poet Laureate and retired humanities professor at Haskell Indian Nations University, will read from her book of stories, “Jackalope,” and conduct a short workshop, guiding writers in finding their “inner tricksters,” on Dec. 14.

The program and workshop will be at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, at the Bonner Springs City Library, 201 N. Nettleton Ave., Bonner Springs.

The program is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Low will conduct a fun writing exercise to help writers find their own “inner tricksters.” In the tradition of the Jackalope, Coyote, Brer Rabbit and Bugs Bunny, the tricksters, according to Low, are one’s own mischievous subconscious, causing change.

Low has won two Pushcart Prize nominations for her fiction. Her most recent book is “Jackalope,” published by Red Mountain Press. She blogs, reviews and co-publishes Mammoth Publications. Her workshops have national reach, and she teaches at Baker University.