Wyandotte Deserves kicks off healthy community program

by William Crum

At a news conference held on Nov. 19, a health awareness initiative was started.

Wyandotte Deserves has a simple message: All people in the community deserve access to healthy food, opportunity for physical health and quality health services.

According to the sponsors of the event, residents’ surroundings, neighborhoods, parks and grocery stores all affect health.

At this conference, held at the Bethany Community Center, sponsors encouraged people to shop at local corner stores and markets that sell fresh fruits and vegetables. Plus, residents were asked to encourage their favorite corner stores to sell their favorite healthy foods, and encourage local restaurants to provide healthy menu options.

Additionally, residents were encouraged to support local farmers markets, choosing healthy options especially low-fat and low-calories items. And employers were asked to offer healthy foods in vending machines.

Residents also were encouraged to get out and walk or play in a local park and get screened for diabetes, high blood-pressure and high cholesterol.

More than 100 people attended this event, which was sponsored by the Latino Health for All Coalition. For more information go to the website www.WyandotteDeserves.org or call 913-439-9349.

One thought on “Wyandotte Deserves kicks off healthy community program”

  1. I would like to clarify, this campaign is sponsored by the Latino Health For All Coalition. The Coalition is formed by many organizations and yes, includes many as KUMED, KU Work Group For Health and Development, Healthy Communities Wyandotte and many more. We are not aware of any Latino Chamber of Commerce, and if there is one they were not part of our effort. Thank you, Monica Mendez Project Coordinator and Community Mobilizer of Latino Health For All Coalition.

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