Residents get preview of new improvements for Central Avenue

by William Crum

Bethany Community Center in Kansas City, Kan., was the location of an open house held on Wednesday, Nov. 18, between 3 and 7 p.m., that was sponsored by the Unified Government.

At this open house, the UG showed the new improvements that are getting ready to go on Central Avenue.

“We are planning to repave the road from Interstate 70 to 17th Street and replace the traffic signal at 10th and Central in Kansas City, Kan.,” said Eric Nobart, member of the staff of the Unified Government engineering department.

At this open house, residents were encouraged to make comments. An estimated 75 people attended this open house.

Central Avenue, like other parts of Wyandotte County, is going through a lot of renovation. Central Avenue businesses are hoping that other businesses and corporations will look at the area as their new home.