Roberts launches national petition drive to oppose plan to close Gitmo

Sen. Pat Roberts
Sen. Pat Roberts

U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., today launched an online petition for citizens to express opposition to the president’s plan to use executive action to close Guantanamo Bay and transfer terrorists detained there to the mainland United States.

Roberts has said the president is ignoring the security concerns of the American people and laws passed by Congress. Roberts will share the online petition with the White House. He wants to ensure the frustrations of those who believe relocating terrorists to the mainland is a threat to national security are heard, according to a statement.

Recently, there were meetings held in Leavenworth, Kan., to oppose the transfer of prisoners to Ft. Leavenworth’s prison.

“Relocating terrorists to the mainland will paint a target on the American communities forced to house these detainees,” Roberts said. “Homegrown terrorists, associates of the detainees and those wishing to attack a high-value and symbolic target will now have an opportunity right in our backyard.

“The White House has said closing Guantanamo will remove a major recruitment tool for our adversaries. I couldn’t disagree more. Moving them to the mainland simply provides them with a more valuable and significant target on American soil.

“The president has proven he will act in the absence of congressional action to fulfill his campaign promises, but the Congress has decisively acted again and again to explicitly block the transfer of terrorists to the mainland.

“Earlier today, the Senate approved the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Bill which explicitly prohibits President Obama from transferring detainees to the mainland with a vote of 91-3. The legislation now goes to the President where he is expected to sign it into law, yet he still will not rule out ignoring this law and using an executive order to close GITMO.

“I have started an online petition to show the president that he cannot ignore the Congress, and he cannot ignore the American people, especially Kansans, who have very real fears about this security risk being forced into their communities.”

The petition is located at