Students help the hungry

by Joshua Sukraw

Students at Bishop Ward High School came together to help fight world hunger by raising $788 on Monday, Oct. 19, as part of the Cross Catholic Outreach’s World Food Day.

Head of Campus Ministry, John Williams, introduced the plan to students before All-School Mass on Friday. Students were given the option of a “dress down day,” so they could wear something other than their school uniform if they made a donation to help stop world hunger. Williams encouraged all the students to participate so they could raise as much money as possible.

“As individuals we can do great things, but when we come together as a community we can do so much more. Each student was asked for a small donation; together combined those small donations created an impact. That is exactly what our lives should be about, making a positive impact that builds up those around us,” Williams said.

This fits with the mission at Bishop Ward, where the school not only focuses on a college-preparatory education, but teaches students to live meaningful lives for Christ.

Josh Sukraw is the marketing and social media manager at Bishop Ward High School.