KCKCC’s Mair receives honorary degree from London College of Music

by Kelly Rogge

Kansas City Kansas Community College’s Jim Mair is often recognized for the work he does both in the classroom and for jazz music throughout the United States. However, one recent award that comes from England left him almost speechless.

“Knowing the rigorous standards set forth and maintained by the London College of Music, even being mentioned in the same sentence is an honor,” said the director of instrumental studies at KCKCC. “I am very grateful and humbled at the same time to receive this award.”

Mair was awarded an honorary degree from the London College of Music at the University of West London. The award is the “HonLCM” and is intended to provide official recognition of individuals who have made a significant contribution to their field or the London College of Music. There are no official requirements to receive the award. The assessment board looks for “evidence of a clear and unequivocal commitment demonstrated through outstanding loyalty and dedication over a significant period of time.” Mair was selected based on his dedication to jazz music education and promotion of the art form.

“We have had a number of students come back from attending music camps here in the United States absolutely enthused and invigorated after working with Jim,” said Stuart Corbett, senior examiner at the London College of Music. “He has had an impact on these students and that impact has continued through their education.”

In addition to serving as professor of music and director of instrumental studies at KCKCC, Mair is also the artistic director for the Kansas City Jazz Alliance, the Kansas City High School All Star Jazz Ensemble and the Kansas City Jazz Quintet. He is the producer of the annual Kansas City Jazz Summit and for seven years, served as artistic director and conductor of the Kansas City Jazz Orchestra, a group in which he co-founded. He earned a bachelor of science in music education from the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D., and a master of arts degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music.

Mair said his most significant accomplishments goes back to his students. He said KCKCC has many students who have gone onto finish bachelor’s degrees and are now teaching in public schools. In addition, he said there are many former students now working for companies such as Pixar, the Billboard Charts and tours for recording artists such as Ariana Grande and Josh Groban. He and his wife also started the Kansas City Jazz Alliance, which collaborates, with KCKCC on the Jazz Summit and the Jazz by the Lake concert series.

“I try to teach real life and real world skills. Big picture thinking. Exceeding expectations. No fluff,” he said. “There is no sugar coating, but at the same time, I know that every student is on a different chapter in life and comes from vastly different backgrounds and with different learning styles and needs.”

Corbett said when the London College of Music was developing its jazz program in the late 1990s, a big influence was the education students from the United Kingdom, who were studying for LCM qualifications, received from instructors at the International Music Camp, particularly Mair. He said he was delighted to be able to recognize Mair in this way.

“Educationally, he has given so much to his students, and they are appreciative,” he said. “He has created a legacy and is absolutely deserving of this honor.”

The students are what Mair said enjoys most about the education profession – specifically watching them be receptive to learning. He said he also enjoys having excellent colleagues to work with and an institution that is supportive of music.

“When you love what you do, you feel very blessed each and every day so to be recognized for work that I already love to do and consider my professional calling in life is really a neat,” he said. “As a Canadian, we have a special connection and respect to England, and the musical standards which they set and live up to so that makes it extra special.”

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at Kansas City Kansas Community College.