Wolfe Moore files for re-election

Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore

Rep. Kathy Wolfe-Moore, D-36th Dist., today filed for re-election to the Legislature.

In filing she said she would like to continue her commitment to serving Wyandotte County.

“It has been my honor to serve Wyandotte County in the House of Representatives, but there is much more to do,” Rep. Wolfe Moore said. “As a member of the House Committee on Health and Human Services and the State Advisory Council on Aging, I have been very focused on ensuring that Kansas takes care of its most vulnerable. I have also worked hard throughout the school finance debate and remained an advocate for equitable school funding as a member of House Appropriations”.

“Kathy’s priorities in the Kansas Legislature reflect the priorities of Kansas families,” said House Democratic Leader Paul Davis, Lawrence.  “She has advocated for increased public education funding, lower property taxes, and job creation for Kansas families.  I hope the people of Wyandotte County will send her back to Topeka to continue her excellent work.”

Rep. Wolfe Moore said she plans to continue to work for education and jobs. A disturbing trend she has seen in the Legislature is unfunded mandates on local governments, she said.

She said it is important in Wyandotte County to find ways to continue to lower the property tax, and that unfunded mandates from the state to the local government works against this, because local governments have to find the revenues to implement state directives that are not funded.

“The success of our housing market hinges on this. Every time our state government does something that costs local government something, that works against this,” she said.

It is always easier when state representatives and senators have served on local county, city or school boards or governments first, because they tend to understand this issue better, she added. Rep. Wolfe Moore was the chief of staff to the Kansas City, Kan., mayor from 1995 to 2005.

First elected in 2010, Rep. Wolfe Moore serves on the Taxation, Health and Human Services and Appropriations committees and is also an appointed member of the State Advisory Council on Aging.

Rep. Wolfe Moore has worked as the business director and assistant to the CEO of The University of Kansas Hospital since 2005. Within her community, she serves on the board of the Wyandot Center, a Community Mental Health Center, and is an executive committee member of the Wyandotte Economic Development Council. This year, Rep. Wolfe Moore was chosen by her legislative colleagues to serve as Kansas state director of the Women in Government Foundation.

Rep. Wolfe Moore has three grown daughters, Katie, Julianna and Emily Wolfe.  She and her husband, Ken Moore, live in Kansas City, Kan.