Leavenworth Road Parade planned

The Leavenworth Road Parade is scheduled at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20.

The parade route is along Leavenworth Road, from 71st to 51st.

This year there are 48 entries, including bands, drill teams, horses, floats, businesses, teams, race cars, bikes and more, according to Lou Braswell, Leavenworth Road Association executive director.

The judges’ stand will be at Welborn Elementary School at 52nd and Leavenworth Road. The line-up for the entries is at 1 p.m. Walkers will join the group at 64th and Leavenworth Road.

In conjunction with the parade, the Knights of Columbus at Christ the King, 53rd and Leavenworth Road,w ill serve breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausage for $5.

For more information, call the LRA office at 913-788-3988.
– Information from Lou Braswell, Leavenworth Road Association