Public asked to help prevent burglaries and auto thefts

Residential burglaries, thefts and stolen vehicles have increased recently in the West Division of Kansas City, Kan., according to the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department.

Police are requesting the public’s assistance in investigating and preventing ongoing residential burglaries and auto thefts, according to a spokesman.

Residents may help police address these problems by taking these actions:

• Keep all garage doors closed when you retire for the evening. This sounds like very simple advice, but can easily be forgotten. But if your garage door cannot be shut to the extent of keeping your items secure, it may be time to look into using a company like KLM Garage Doors, who offer a high quality service and are able to cater to any requirements and questions you may have regarding the repairs. This way, you know that you have done what you can to keep your property secure from any potential thieves.

• Bring all handheld garage door remotes inside, rather than leaving them in any vehicle parked in the driveway.

• Keep exterior lights on at night near garages and entry doors.

• Do not store handguns, personal papers, or other valuables inside vehicles.

Residents who would like to meet with an officer about security concerns at home may call the West Patrol dispatch at 913-596-3078; the West Patrol office at 913-596-7090 or the community policing office at 913-573-8715.

Police have listed actions that may prevent residents from being a victim:

1. Suspects can de-activate the locking mechanism of your electric garage door if you have a string hanging from the bypass mechanism on the door’s track. Burglars can fish a coat hanger through the top of the door and grab this handle; thus, releasing the garage door opener and allowing them entry. Remove or cut the string from the garage door bypass mechanism.

2. Keep your garage door shut when you are not in the garage.

3. Suspects look for valuable items inside parked cars. This could consist of computers, GPS devices, I Pads, book bags (they suspect as containing valuable property), purses, or any personal documents that help them steal your identity. Remove those items from your car.

4. If you use an electric garage door opener, take the remote inside each night if your vehicle is parked in the driveway. This prevents thieves from breaking into the car and opening the garage door.

5. If you have a trailer stored on your property, park it in an area out of sight. Purchase a trailer hitch lock and secure it with a chain if possible.

6. Install as much lighting on your property as possible. Replace burnt-out light bulbs that illuminate doors and windows.

7. Trim tall shrubs and bushes that could conceal suspects near the doors and windows of your home.

8. If affordable, install burglary alarm systems in your home. If you cannot afford to do so, purchase alarm company signs that can be displayed near your front door (“house monitored by alarm system”).

9. Install deadbolts on doors and ensure windows are always locked.

10. Install automated lighting on the interior and exterior of your home (timers).

11. Become involved in your neighborhood watch group. If you need assistance finding yours (or establishing one), call Community Policing at 913-573-8715.

12. Immediately report all suspicious persons and vehicles to police. If you see them in your neighborhood, do not hesitate to call police. They can check on anything suspicious.