UG launches new purchasing website

A new website launched today for the Unified Government purchasing department, according to an announcement.

The website is more user-friendly, simplifies the vendor registration process and provides easier access to bidding opportunities, according to a news release.

“We want to take advantage of the internet’s ability to exchange information and develop new ways of achieving success,” said purchasing manager, Sharon Reed, in a news release.

The launch of this new site is designed to improve the procurement process, according to the news release. It is part of a commitment to improving transparency maintaining the UG’s business-friendly reputation, the news release stated.

“We are making great strides to transform the way we serve our customers to ensure we have the ability to move the procurement process beyond a manual approach and into a streamlined electronic process,” Reed said in the release.

“We are committed to delivering a high quality product that is accessible to both our internal and external customers,” Reed said. “We believe this new application will help us maintain our reputation as a local government that’s easy to do business with.”

“Launch of the new eProcurement website is all part of our commitment to provide better customer service, increase efficiency and save money through the use of technology and innovation,” County Administrator Doug Bach said in the news release. “We are accelerating the use of technology to improve the way we provide services to residents and operate our departments.”

Jeremy Rogers, director parks and recreation, said the new purchasing website was helpful for his department.

“We needed to have 13,000 fliers made,” he said.” I was able to get onto the website and export all the printing companies that the UG works with into an Excel spreadsheet and email it out to my staff for future use.”

For more information about the new website, visit