P.R.I.D.E. parade, festival help kids

State Sen. David Haley, left, and Alvin Sykes were at the P.R.I.D.E. parade and festival on Saturday at Parkwood Park in Kansas City, Kan. Sykes was the grand marshal of the annual parade. (Photo by William Crum)
State Sen. David Haley, left, and Alvin Sykes were at the P.R.I.D.E. parade and festival on Saturday at Parkwood Park in Kansas City, Kan. Sykes was the grand marshal of the annual parade. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

On Saturday a parade started at 9th and Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kan., and ended at the Parkwood community center.

The P.R.I.D.E. parade and festival, sponsored by the Kansas City, Kan., chapter of the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters, was held to help kids going back to school.

The Kansas City, Kan., Police Department had a representative at the event, and there were food booths. Back-to-school packages were given to a lot of the children who attended the event. The Parkwood pool featured free swimming for the day.

Alvin Sykes was the grand marshal of the event.

“We thought that the rain would hurt us but it turned out to be a nice day after all,” he said. “I feel honored to have been chosen to be the grand marshal of this great event.”

Also at the event was State Sen. David Haley, D-4th Dist., who said he tries to attend the parade and festival every year, but can’t always be there, although he has attended this event at least 15 times in the past years.

“I plan to meet with Gov. Brownback on Tuesday to discuss the issue of education. This is a private meeting I want to have with the governor,” Sen. Haley said.

Also on hand were Fire Chief John Paul Jones and various commissioners from the Unified Government.