Yoder visits KCK

U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., recently visited Kansas City, Kan. (Photo by William Crum)
U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., recently visited Kansas City, Kan. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

Recently, Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., came to Kansas City, Kan. He first appeared at the Cup on the Hill on Minnesota Avenue. There he had the chance to meet with a lot of local citizens at 9:30 a.m. Friday at Kansas City, Kan., City Hall.

“We need to make education a priority,” Rep. Yoder said. “Education is a primary concern of mine; this is why I’m involved in education.

“We need to make sure everyone who comes here from other countries that they go through the proper procedures to become U.S. citizens and not allow people to come across our borders illegally,” he said. “We want to give all opportunities to all of our citizens, after all United States is known as a melting pot of the world. We also need to take a look at the national deficit and make sure that we can provide services for all of our citizens regardless what nationality or race or age they are. This is also one of my many priorities.”

After the meeting at the Cup on the Hill coffee shop on Minnesota Avenue, Congressman Yoder went to address other concerned citizens at Kansas City, Kan., City Hall.