UG to meet July 30 for budget vote, other items

The Unified Government Commission will meet Thursday, July 30, to take a final vote on the budget and on several other items on the agenda.

The budget vote will be at the 7 p.m. meeting in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, lobby level, 701 N. 7th, Kansas City, Kan.

A special session will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, July 30, in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 515, City Hall.

There are 10 resolutions on the 7 p.m. agenda concerning the budget.

The agenda includes several planning and zoning items, and other items:

– A change of zone from nonretail business district to single
family district for an existing residential home at 616 N. 9th St.

– A special use permit for the temporary use of land for a trailer at 6500 Inland Drive.

– A special use permit for an auto auction parking facility at 8501 Gibbs Road.

– Special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with restaurant at 1017 N. 6th St.

– Special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with restaurant and drinking establishment at 8121, 8123 and 8125 Parallel Parkway.
Special Use Permit for live entertainment in conjunction with

– Special use permit to keep one horse at 1411 N. 47th St.

– Vacation of right-of-way at 9020 State Ave.

– Vacation of right-of-way at 1130 Ray Ave.

– Amendment to the existing floodplain management ordinance, updating dates.

– A change to the ordinance that requires a special use permit for tire shops, automotive mechanical shops, used car lots and automotive salvage years. The provision concerns signs, landscaping, screening and condition of automobiles.

– Amendments to the ordinances about use of residential yards for nonresidential parking purposes.

– An ordinance prohibiting the use of any yard area for commercial or any nonresidential or ongoing nonresident parking purposes in residential districts.

– An ordinance amending the existing floodplain management ordinance to reflect the new effective date of Sept. 20, 2015, on the FIRM panels.

– An ordinance concerning tire shops, automotive mechanical shops, used car lots and automotive salvage yards, except when concerning new automotive dealerships.

– An ordinance rezoning property at 2035 N. 109th St., from planned limited business district to planned general business district.

– An ordinance vacating property at 1022 Merriam Lane.

– Renewal of a special use permit to keep two goats at 3415 N. 63rd St.

– Adoption of 10 budget resolutions and ordinances.

To see an agenda, visit