UG Commission approves bond issue for U.S. Soccer facility

The Unified Government Commission, with little discussion, approved several issues tonight, including bonds for the U.S. Soccer training facility near 98th and Parallel Parkway.

A bond issue of up to $66 million was approved by the commission tonight for the development area near the Schlitterbahn waterpark. There are several parts to the development.

The vote on the STAR bonds was 7-0, with Commissioner Jim Walters not voting. Commissioners Ann Murguia and Hal Walker did not attend the meeting.

The commission also set a public hearing date of Aug. 13 to consider splitting the project area 2 of this development area into two parts.

On one side, project area 2A, would be four auto dealerships, a convenience store and two restaurant sites on the west side of 98th Street. On the other side, project area 2B, would be remaining auto dealerships, extended stay hotel and two restaurant sites on the east side of 98th.

The completion date for auto dealerships in area 2A would be the end of December 2016, while the completion date for other auto dealerships in area 2B would be December 2017. The agreement also includes agreements on paying for the improvements to 98th Street, as well as agreements on entrance drive improvements for Schlitterbahn, St. Patrick’s Church and medical buildings. (More information is at

There was no discussion on setting a public hearing for the 57th and State Avenue redevelopment project. The public hearing will be Aug. 13. The vote was 8-0.

Also passed 8-0 was an amendment to the parade and marathon ordinance. Commissioner Melissa Bynum requested that the Police Department communicate well with the Convention and Visitors Bureau regarding parades, marathons, runs and permits.

Deputy Chief Tyrone Garner stated that the goal is to continue the relationships that they have always had, the police chief would continue to screen the applications, and there would not be any fees for local Kansas City, Kan., groups.

The commission also voted to have a 90-day moratorium on enforcing a vending machine ordinance in Kansas City, Kan. It previously approved a 120-day moratorium. The commission plans to take up the issue again after the budget meetings are completed.

Other items approved tonight included:

• Additional changes to the smoking ordinance to prohibit electronic cigarettes in areas that are smoke-free, including changes to comply with state laws.

• Authorization for a survey of land to be acquired for a short-span bridge replacement project near 2600 N. 131st.

The commission took about 10 minutes to approve most of the items, then listened to a 25-minute presentation by OneArtsKC Regional Arts Council.

The commission also spent around 40 minutes in a closed session to discuss labor and litigation.

Commissioners also heard the administrator’s first quarter report at 5:30 p.m.