Residents to explore transitions from career to next stage of life

by Karen Hostetler

As we face a new stage of life after leaving our primary career, how can we pave the way and conquer the uncertainties?

“Three Transition Stories: Discovering What’s Next After Your Primary Career” is the topic of a forum that will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 23, at the West Wyandotte Library, 1737 N. 82nd St., Kansas City, Kan. Light refreshments and an opportunity to network will be available from 6 to 6:15 p.m. before the beginning of the forum.

Mary Lou Jaramillo, former president-CEO of El Centro, will be the moderator of a panel consisting of NedRa Bonds, Lorrie Eigles, and Carol Heil. They will discuss and answer questions about how they made decisions as to when to leave their primary careers, how to face uncertainties, and how they discovered what came next in their lives.

NedRa Bonds majored in American studies and was involved in the field of education, but now is a fiber artist, specializing in quilts, dolls, and soft sculpture. She uses her talents to share messages about social justice and to teach and preserve history.

Lorrie Eigles has a bachelor’s degree in art, sociology and American studies and a master’s degree in counseling. She has worked in government, education, and corporate and small business settings. She is currently a visual artist, a life, career and retirement coach, and writes “Lorrie’s Learnings” e-articles.

Carol Heil retired as executive director for the Arts Council of Johnson County in December 2008, applied to the Peace Corps in March 2009 and served in the Peace Corps’ South African Program January 2011-March 2013.

For more information and to register, contact Karen Hostetler at [email protected] or the library at 913-596-5807 or (Go to Events/June 23/Next Chapter KC Forum). The forum is co-sponsored by the Kansas City, Kan., Public Library and Next Chapter Kansas City, which is a program of Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan.

Karen Hostetler is the Next Chapter KC director.