Kaw River in KCK at flood stage

The Kansas River at 23rd Street in Kansas City, Kan., is now at minor flood stage, according to a hydrology chart from NOAA and USGS. (NOAA chart)
The Kansas River at 23rd Street in Kansas City, Kan., is now at minor flood stage, according to a hydrology chart from NOAA and USGS. (NOAA chart)

Flood warning issued

A flood warning is in effect for the Kansas River at 23rd Street in Kansas City, Kan., as the river has now gone into minor flood stage.

The National Weather Service has issued the flood warning from Saturday morning to Monday evening.

At 9:30 p.m. the Kansas River at 23rd Street in Kansas City, Kan., was at 33.02 feet. Flood stage is 33 feet there.

The Kansas River rose from 29.4 feet at 3:30 p.m. Friday.

The river is expected to rise to near 34.5 feet by early Saturday morning and fall below flood stage by Sunday evening.

At 33 feet, undeveloped woodland along the river and outside of levee protection is flooded, the weather service said. No flooding of areas behind the levees is expected, the weather service said.

The weather service said residents should not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.

For additional weather and stream information, visit www.weather.gov/kc/.

The Missouri River at Kansas City at this time is projected to stay under flood stage. It could come within 1 foot of flood stage on Saturday night. (NOAA chart)
The Missouri River at Kansas City at this time is projected to stay under flood stage. It could come within 1 foot of flood stage on Saturday night. (NOAA chart)

Turkey Creek at Southwest Boulevard is well under flood stage at this time. (NOAA chart)
Turkey Creek at Southwest Boulevard is well under flood stage at this time. (NOAA chart)