Residents take ‘Healthy Argentine Challenge’

Taking the Healthy Argentine Challenge was this group of women who lost more than 435 pounds in 12 weeks. The group met at the Argentine Community Center in a program sponsored by the Argentine Neighborhood Development Association. (Photo by Bill Rogers)
Taking the Healthy Argentine Challenge was this group of women who lost more than 435 pounds in 12 weeks. The group met at the Argentine Community Center in a program sponsored by the Argentine Neighborhood Development Association. (Photo by Bill Rogers)

Taking the Healthy Argentine Challenge was a group of women who lost more than 435 pounds in 12 weeks.

The Argentine Neighborhood Development Association sponsored the program, and residents attended nutrition classes and Zumba classes twice a week.

The overall winner in the class was Rossy Sanchez, who lost a total of 33.2 pounds.

According to Bill Rogers of the Argentine Neighborhood Development Association, about 170 people wanted to take the class, but only about 80 could be allowed in the building because of fire codes.

Ann Murguia, executive director of ANDA, announced to the class on Wednesday night that ANDA would fund another 12 weeks of free Zumba classes because of the success of the first class. The class size will be limited to 80.

The program was made possible by a partnership with the Unified Government Parks and Recreation Department.
– from Bill Rogers